Thursday 27 July 2017

15 Inspirational Quotes On Dreams


1. All men dream, but not equally.Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.... T.E Lawrence.

2. No matter where you're from, your dreams are valid....Lupita Nyong'o

3. A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world....Oscar Wilde.

4. Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today....James Dean

5. Never limit yourself because of others' limited imagination; never limit others because of your own limited imagination........Mae Jemison.

6. Never give up on a dream just because of the time it'll take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

7. The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking...Robert H. Schuller.

8. When people undermine your dreams, predict your doom or criticize you, remember they are telling you their story, not yours.

9. Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself.And no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dream.... the Alchemist.

10. A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work....Colin Powell.

11. So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.....Christopher Reeve.

12. If you don't build your dream, someone will hire you to help build theirs.... Tony Gaskins.

13. 20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.Explore.Dream. Discover.....Mark Twain.

14. Do not lose hold of your dreams or aspirations. For if you do, you may still exist but you have ceased to live.... Henry David Thoreau.

15. If you dream small dreams, you voluntarily put your unlimited creativity and power in a confined prison cell.

Thursday 20 July 2017

Success In Failure

It is no secret that our worst fear is often failure.But what if failure is actually a good thing. Many of us try as much as possible to avoid failing. In fact, we are so focused on not failing that we don't aim for success, settling instead for a life of mediocrity. The fact that you've failed is proof that you are not finished.Failures and mistakes can be a bridge, not a barricade to success. Because it's not how far you fall but how high you bounce that makes all the difference. Success consists of getting up just one time more than you fall down.

Success in failure
One of the riskiest things you can do in life is to take too many precautions and never have any failures or mistakes. No one has ever achieved genuine success who did not, at one time or the other, wander on the edge of disaster. if you have tried to do something and failed, you are greatly better off than if you had never tried to do anything and you succeeded.If you are not making mistakes, you are not risking enough.
      Taking cues from the great thinkers throughout history, you will see that failure is a powerful a tool as any in reaching great success.As wonderful i claim failures could be, it is good for us to remind ourselves that the determinant that converts our failure to success is ourselves, what we allow to happen on the inside of us.While it is very easy to become downcasted and lose motivation when things don't go as planned, choose to use those failures as a mechanism to reset your perspective.Look at the challenges from another angle and try again.
      Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker.Failure is delay, not defeat.It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing and being nothing - Denis Waitley

Thursday 13 July 2017

Appreciate Life

Appreciate Life

Life goes by in the blink of an eye. So be sure to appreciate the many moments with friends, and family. Happiness comes when we stop complaining about the troubles we have and offer thanks for all the troubles we don't have.Happiness is not the fulfillment of what we wish for, but an appreciation of what we have.
      We humans do not truly appreciate what they have until it's gone.We only realize how much we have gained from that relationship after we call it quit.We recognize the gift of a secure paycheck after we lose our job.Our parents are appreciated after they are gone.We only miss that teacher/lecturer after we have passed out of that institution.
       Learn to appreciate what you have before time makes you appreciate what you had. You may never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory. Some people never appreciated the time they were bachelors/spinsters. They were always complaining about how lonely they were until they got married. After they got married, they missed being single because they never allowed themselves to enjoy those times.This also goes for married couples, who do not allow themselves to appreciate their being together, just the two of them because there was a delay in childbirth.
       Appreciation is a wonderful feeling, don't overlook it.We are so often caught up in our destination that we forget to appreciate the journey, most especially those challenging situations, circumstances and the amazing people we meet on the way.
       So as a rule, I will like us to find time often to step back from our lives and appreciate life in general. No matter how difficult everyday living may be sometimes, applying this rule to our lives will enable us to see our lives in a wider context and help us put everyday worries into perspective and give us a great sense of calm.
         Life is a gift, I accept it.Life is an adventure, I dare it.Life is a mystery, I'm unfolding it.Life is a puzzle, I'm solving it.Life is a game, I play it. Life can be a struggle, I am facing it.Life is a beauty, I praise it.Life is an opportunity, I took it. Life is a mission, I'm fulfilling it.

Wednesday 5 July 2017

It Is Not Too Late

It is not too late at all. You just don't yet know what you are capable of. It is never too late to make things right, therefore contend with life and nature and take those bold steps of yours.
Do not wait until it's too late i.e when you have entered into your grave, then your chance to impart life positively would have been lost forever.No matter how far you have gone on the wrong the wrong road, you can still turn around.Believe me, you are not too old or too young to take up that offer, neither are you too young or old to dream big.
         Start today, don't say '' there's still time'' or '' may be next time''. Procrastination, they say is the killer of time. A stitch in time saves nine, so seize the moment! Opportunities are coming to you or by you everyday.Remember, today was once the future from which you expected so much from the past.
         I say yet again that it is never too late, in as much as you draw breath, you have yet another opportunity to reach for your dreams and make your world a better place.
         So do all that you need to do to get that dream job of yours.Do you know that it is not too late to undergo that surgery or start that exercise regime that would ensure you have a healthy body? How about that idea of starting a business of your own? Take action today.
         I heard a story of a young lad that wanted to become a medical doctor.But life happened and due to one thing or the other, he was not able to but instead, he became a successful and a renowned trader.Even though everybody celebrates him, he was not happy deep inside. He thought of going back to school to study medicine but then another thought of his said to him '' a forty-year-old wants to go back to school to study a seven-year course!how ridiculous?''. So after weeks of struggling with these thoughts, he had another thought that seems to dominate every other thought and argument on his mind.The thought asked him that ''if you do not go back to school now, how old will you be in seven years time?'' he answered subconsciously ''forty-seven years''. The thought then suggested to him that ''would it not be great to be a renowned trader and a medical doctor in 7-years time than to still remain just a trader after the same seven years?''.Then it dawned on him, he took steps and in seven years he became a medical doctor cum a renowned trader.

               ''For what it's worth; it is never too late to be whoever you want to be.I hope you live a life you're proud of, and if you find out that you are not, i hope you have the strength to start over.
                                          ...F-Scott Fitzgerald

Friday 30 June 2017

Do Not Give Up

When you are hit by the vicissitudes of life, what do you do? Do you pick yourself up and start all over again because you know that difficult times will come for all in life or do you just give up totally.
        If i may say, giving up is quite easy and as i believe you know that no good thing comes easy in this life.
So don't give up,fight the good fight of faith, fight for that thing you want, be it that ''good life you've always wanted, a relationship or what have you.
        Look around you, the successful people you see around are the ones that never gave up in life.If you get yourself acquainted with these people, i am sure they will tell you how life had knocked them down times without number. But what distinguishes them from the crowd is the fact that they have mastered the art of getting knocked down and getting back up again. They are the resilient and persistent ones.
       Do you want to be successful? if your answer is yes, then i am happy to tell you that the side effect of 'not giving up' is SUCCESS. I enjoin you today to catch that fever of  'not giving up' and the ready side effect will show forth.
I will like to end on this note by quoting a famous English man, Winston Churchill. He said and i quote '' Never give in- never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy''.

Thursday 29 June 2017

Accept Yourself

       If you accept that what is done is done, you are left with yourself exactly as you are. You can't go

back and change anything, so you've got to work with what you've got.

       I am not suggesting anything mystic here such as love yourself - that is far too aggressive.No, let just begin with simple accepting.

       Accepting is easy because it is exactly what it says -ACCEPTING. You don't have to improve or change or strive for perfection, it is quite the opposite. Just accept.

       This means accepting all blemish and emotional bumps and lumps, weaknesses e.t.c.Do not get me wrong, this does not mean you are happy with everything about yourself, or that you are going to be nonchalant and lead a bad life, No. You are going to accept the way you are, initially, and then build on that. What you are not going to do is beat yourself up because you don't like some bits of your life.

      You have to take this seriously and accept it as a rule because you have no choice here. You have to accept that you are the way you are. You have to accept that you are human and as human, you are pretty complex and not perfect i.e you are bound to make mistakes one way or the other.
When you start to accept who you are, then and only then you can make a choice, each day to strive to be some kind better.

      I also need to let you know that even after accepting yourself and you've taken that choice to be better, there would be days you would fall short. That's OK. Do not beat yourself up, all you need to do is to pick yourself up and start all over again. Accept that you will fail from time to time and that you are human.

Do you Want to relocate to Canada? Read Linda's Story

In 2017, Linda had had enough! She was stressed at work and had not been promoted for 3 years. The cost of living was rising exponentially i...